Healthy Tidbits

With You All The Way

New Beginnings

Jan 13, 2015

By Victor S. Sierpina, MD

This is the time when after the darkest day of the annual solstice, life begins to be brightened by holiday lights.  We arise, like those lights, into new expectations and goals for ourselves.

This is the year we will change, the year we will become our best selves.

We resolve to be thinner, fitter, more loving, less stressed, more successful in our work, better in our relationships, and more.

The reality is often that the gym is overcrowded on the first week of January but by March, it is usually the same small, dedicated group that shows up.

This is a metaphor for our new beginning. Easy to say, perhaps hard to start, and so very challenging to maintain long-term.

Maybe this is a year when we don’t try to change ourselves so much for a whole year by a single resolution. Rather we resolve to be mindful and commit to our dreams day by day, moment by moment.

We accept ourselves, we forgive ourselves as we stumble, get up, and go on. Life is good and a never-ending journey.

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