Transformation Stories

Chris’ Weight Loss Journey with the Nicholson Clinic: A Transformation Story

Jun 28, 2024

Life before surgery was becoming increasingly difficult for Chris. He found himself spending most of his time sitting in a recliner in front of the TV. His then 3-year-old son would ask him to come outside and play, but Chris often felt too tired or too embarrassed about his weight to join in. Even simple tasks like walking up a flight of stairs left him breathless. Health issues were starting to mount as well: his blood pressure was on the rise, and he had been diagnosed with sleep apnea.

Years of dieting had led to an exasperating cycle of losing and regaining weight, often ending up heavier than before. Chris was getting frustrated continually needing larger clothing sizes and not being able to maintain any weight loss. Conversations with family members who had successfully undergone weight loss surgery prompted Chris to consider a surgical solution. He decided to have weight loss surgery after recognizing that his health and quality of life were at stake.

Choosing the Nicholson Clinic

Chris chose the Gastric Sleeve procedure with the Nicholson Clinic, influenced by a family member who had been a patient there and spoke highly of the clinic. Researching further on the clinic’s website and social media, Chris was impressed by the success stories and testimonials. Despite the clinic being farther from his home than other options, he was convinced it was the right choice.

Time was of the essence for Chris, as he aimed to have the surgery during a scheduled vacation to avoid taking additional time off work. Dr. Long saw Chris for his initial consultation and was able to get him in quickly for surgery.

The Nicholson Clinic Experience

“The process with the Nicholson Clinic was very quick and easy, and I was able to use my insurance which was great!”

Chris needed to get insurance approval quickly to fit the surgery into his vacation schedule. The clinic’s insurance staff submitted and received approval in less than a week. He swiftly completed the necessary consultations with the clinic-recommended nutritionist and psychologist, ensuring he met all the requirements in time.

Chris praised the Nicholson Clinic for making the insurance process straightforward and stress-free. This efficiency allowed him to schedule his surgery date perfectly within his planned time off, starting his pre-op diet promptly.

Recovery and Results

I was able to walk out of the surgery center on my own within a few hours after my surgery!”

Chris’s concerns about recovery were quickly alleviated. Just hours after surgery, he was able to walk out of the surgery center on his own. The recovery process was mostly pain-free and complication-free, thanks to the clear instructions provided by the clinic.

Being a pilot, Chris expected a significant delay before returning to work. However, Dr. Long cleared him to resume flying just two weeks post-op, a testament to the smooth recovery process.

Life After Surgery:  A New Beginning

“Losing over 100 pounds in 8 months has been great!”

Eight months after surgery and over 100 pounds lighter, Chris’s life has transformed. He no longer hesitates when his son asks him to play outside or get on the floor. Physically, he can do much more without the aches and pains that plagued him before. His sleep has improved significantly, and he anticipates being able to stop using his CPAP machine after another sleep study.

Chris’s health has improved dramatically. His blood pressure is now within the normal range, and a liver biopsy performed during the surgery revealed fatty liver disease, which has since shown signs of reversal. His liver doctor believes his liver has healed, pending confirmation from upcoming tests.

Emotionally, Chris feels better about himself and is more comfortable in public. He and his family recently purchased almost seven acres of property, a decision driven by his newfound energy and ability to maintain it. Chris also enjoys training his German Shepherd, Ziva, which involves lots of walking—something that was once a struggle but is now a breeze.

Maintaining Success

To maintain his weight loss, Chris continues to attend follow-up appointments and adhere to the dietary guidelines provided by Dr. Long and his team. He enjoys family walks and is considering starting running.

Chris’s journey with the Nicholson Clinic and Dr. Long has been a life-changing experience. From struggling with daily activities and health issues to enjoying an active and fulfilling life, his story is a testament to the profound impact of weight loss surgery when supported by a dedicated medical team.

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